Install a Node - Using Launchnodes

Protestnet instructions

Launchnodes enables your organisation to be part of the Latin America and the Caribbean intelligent internet for inclusion, a blockchain infrastructure designed for enabling inclusive and scalable projects and solutions on the web 3.0.
  • Launchnodes provides Fast LACChain Pro-Testnet node set up.
  • Launchnodes LACNet nodes offers guaranteed orchestration in a completely secure environment in compliance with international standards, with 24/7 monitoring and an immediate response protocol.
  • LACNet offers memberships with a service level agreement that guarantees individualised support for the decentralized operation of nodes through a client portal.
LACNet is an international non-profit association that results from the alliance between RedCLARA and LACNIC in collaboration with IDB Lab. LACNet has been created by the LACChain Global Alliance to orchestrate the LACChain blockchain networks guaranteeing neutrality and sustainability.
To understand more about LACNet Open Protestnet network nodes visit their website.
These instructions allow you to deploy your Testnet node on AWS and join the largest public-permissioned blockchain network.

EKS Cluster Creation

Creating EKS Cluster over private network using CloudFormation template.

Objective: The objective of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to create EKS cluster, VPC Private network, LACChain Writer nodes over K8s deployment. Ensure that you meet requirements. If any issues or errors occur during the process, please consult us or contact the AWS support team for assistance.
  • Access to the AWS Management Console.
  • CloudFormation template file (e.g., CFT-EKS-LN-1.0.yaml) prepared for EKS stack creation.
Below is a video guide for the following instructions:

Step 1: Access the AWS Management Console

  • Enter your login credentials to access your AWS account.

Step 2: Navigate to the CloudFormation Service

  1. Once logged in, search for «CloudFormation» in the AWS Management Console search bar.
  2. Click on the «CloudFormation» service from the search results to open the CloudFormation dashboard.

Step 3: Create a New Stack

  • In the CloudFormation dashboard, click on the «Create stack» button to start the stack creation process.
  • Under Specify Template, choose the Template Source as Amazon S3 URL and enter the following URL below and click Next

  • Click on the «Next» button to proceed.

Step 4: Specify Stack Details

  • Provide a stack name that identifies your EKS stack (e.g., MyEKSStack).
  • Fill in any required parameters prompted by the CloudFormation template.( KeyPair, Instance Type)
  • Review the other options and settings as per your requirements.
  • Click on the «Next» button to proceed.

Step 5: Configure Stack Options (Optional)

  • If required, configure additional stack options such as tags, permissions, and advanced settings.
  • Review the options and make necessary changes.
  • Click on the «Next» button to proceed.

Step 6: Review and Create the Stack

  • Review the stack details, parameters, and options on the final page.
  • Double-check that all the information is accurate and meets your requirements.
  • Click on the «Create stack» button to start creating the EKS stack.

Step 7: Monitor Stack Creation Progress

  • You will be redirected to the stack detail page, where you can monitor the stack creation progress.
  • Refresh the page periodically to see the status updates.
  • Wait until the stack reaches the «CREATE_COMPLETE» status. This may take a few minutes.(Approx 15 mins)

Step 8: Validation: Access the Created EKS Cluster

  • Once the stack creation is complete, navigate to the AWS Management Console homepage.
  • Search for «EKS» in the search bar and click on the «Amazon EKS» service from the search results.
  • In the Amazon EKS console, you will find your created EKS cluster.
Now proceed to Stage 2: Creating Identity Provider for EKS Cluster.

Identity Provider Creation

Creating Identity Provider for EKS Cluster

Objective: Creating an identity provider for an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster. The identity provider is necessary for authenticating users and granting them access to the EKS cluster.


  • Access to the AWS Management Console
  • A deployed EKS cluster.
  • OIDC Url: [Enter the OIDC URL obtained from the EKS stack output]
  • Gathered information from the Cloudformation EKS stack outputs:
  • OIDC Audience Name: [Enter the OIDC Audience Name obtained from the EKS stack output]


Below is a video guide for the following instructions:

Step 1: Sign in to the AWS Management Console
  • Enter your login credentials to access your AWS account.
Step 2: Navigate to the IAM (Identity and Access Management) service.
  • Once logged in, search for «IAM» in the AWS Management Console search bar.
  • Click on the «IAM» service from the search results to open the IAM dashboard.
Step 3: Creating an Identity Provider
  • In the IAM dashboard, click on «Identity providers» in the left-hand navigation pane under Access management
Step 4: Add an Identity provider
  • Click on the «Add provider» button.
  • On the «Add provider» page, select «OpenID Connect» as the provider type.
Step 5: Enter the following details:
  • Audience: []
Step 6: Collect the Fingerprint
  • Click on the “Get Thumbprint”.
  • Now Click on the «Add Provider» button.
Step 7: Validation
If everything appears correct, You will see your Identity provider on the home page.
You are now ready to proceed to the next step, which involves running a script in the AWS Cloud Shell. The .envfile will be used in the script to configure the deployment.
Note: Ensure that you keep the .env file secure and do not share it with unauthorized individuals. It contains sensitive information related to your EKS cluster.
Now proceed to Stage 3: Running the Script in AWS Cloud Shell.

Running the node

Running Script in AWS Cloud Shell

Run the deployment script in AWS Cloud Shell using the uploaded .env file. Ensure that you have obtained the correct .envfile and filled up respective information from the CloudFormation EKS stack outputs and review the .env file for node customization requirements. The script is responsible for deploying resources related to the EKS cluster and requires the .env file containing the necessary information.
  • Access to the AWS Management Console.
  • CloudFormation stack for EKS cluster successfully created.
  • Identity provider Created.
  • A Sample file .env is available at
  • The .env file with required information obtained from the CloudFormation stack outputs.
Below is a video guide for the following instructions:
Step 1: Access the AWS Management Console
  • Enter your login credentials to access your AWS account.
Step 2: Open AWS Cloud Shell
  • Once logged in, search for «CloudShell» in the AWS Management Console search bar.
  • Click on the «AWS CloudShell» service from the search results to open the Cloud Shell.
Step 3: Upload the .env File
  • In the AWS Cloud Shell terminal, click on the «Upload/Download files» button in the toolbar.
  • Browse and select the .env file containing the required information (e.g., IP address, EKS cluster name, region, Node Name, Email address).
  • Wait for the file to upload successfully.
Step 4: Run the Deployment Script
  • In the AWS Cloud Shell terminal, execute the following command to download and run the deployment script desired network: select between ( mainnet / testnet)
					source <(curl -s -L testnet
  • The script will start running and deploying the necessary resources for the EKS cluster.
  • Monitor the script execution for any errors or prompts for user input, if applicable.
  • Wait for the script to complete the deployment process.
Step 5: Verify the Deployment
  • Once the script execution is complete, verify that all the required resources for the EKS cluster have been successfully deployed.
  • Check the AWS Management Console or run appropriate commands to validate the deployment.

Query EKS Cluster

Operational Commands

  • To perform operational commands and retrieve specific information about your EKS cluster, you can utilize the script. This script provides various commands that can be executed in the AWS Cloud Shell or a terminal environment. Here are the available commands:
      getPodRestart: Use this command to restart the writer pods in the cluster.
      getEnodeId: Use this command to obtain the Enode ID of the Writer Node.
      getNodeAddress: Use this command to fetch the address of the Writer node.
      getConnectionStatus: Use this command to check the status of the nodes’ connection.
      getbesuLogs: Use this command to view the besu container logs To execute any of these commands, follow these steps:
    Step 1: Make sure you have the script available. If not follow stage 3 again.
    Step 2: Open the AWS Cloud Shell or a terminal environment.
    Step 3: Navigate to the location where the script is located.
    Step 4: Run the following command to source the script:
Once the script is sourced, you can run any of the commands mentioned above by simply typing the command in the AWS Cloud Shell and pressing Enter. The output will be displayed accordingly.
Note: Ensure that you have appropriate permissions and access to the EKS cluster before running these commands.

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